June 22, 2011]
- Sabre
won Best of Breed at the Channel City Kennel Club/Summerfest shows.
- Sabre is the #1 Samoyed
(Breed Points as of April 2009)! He is competing to stay on top!
- Sabre
won his second Best In Specialty Show title, BISS, at the Samoyed Club of San
Diego Specialty, Bahia Sur KC of Chula Vista show. Sabre also won two Best of
Breeds, a Group 3, and a Group 4.
- Mischa
earned a third leg toward his RAE title at the Santa Maria Kennel Club/Summerfest
Rally Obedience Trials. Mischa placed third with a score of 95 in Rally Excellent.
In Rally Advanced, his score was 90. Congratulations to Tawn and Mischa. They
have 7 legs to go. For more information about Rally Obedience and the RAE title,
go to Mischa's page and check out Performance
- Mischa's
birthday is June 16. Since he loves to celebrate all year, belated greetings are
- Tango is a new Australia
- Max is competing for
his Australia Grand Championship. He needs a total of 1000 points and has already
won more than 300 points.
- Chase won
Best of Opposite Sex her first time in the breed ring.
- Sasha
won Best of Breed his first time in the breed ring.
- Oliver
is preparing for his CD in competitive obedience.